Team Kopter International, Clifton House Fitzwilliam Street Lower Dublin 2 D02XT91, Ireland, is committed to protecting the Personal Data of Users. This « Privacy Policy » is part of the Legal Notice.

Each word defined in the Legal Notice has the same meaning in the Privacy Policy.

By accessing and using the site www.team-kopter-international.com, Users undertake to respect and be bound by this Privacy Policy, which may be modified or updated at any time without notice. Any modification or update will be posted on the site.


Faced with the development of new communication tools, it is necessary to pay attention to the protection of privacy. Therefore, in order to comply with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) we are committed to respecting the confidentiality of the personal information we collect.

In France, personal data are protected by the law n ° 78-87 of January 6th, 1978, the law n ° 2004-801 of August 6th, 2004, the article L. 226-13 of the Penal Code, the European Directive of the October 24, 1995 and finally by the regulation n ° 2016/679 (said general regulation on the protection of data or RGPD).

In any case Team Kopter International only collects personal information about the user for the transmission of information or email, at the request of the user. who himself proceeds to their seizure.


Team Kopter International collects and processes data that Users voluntarily provide to obtain information through the website www.team-kopter-international.com.

The purposes of this data processing are to enable Users to improve services by placing cookies on Users’ terminals and sending them commercial offers.

Users must provide certain information to obtain the technical and commercial information they will request online:

  • Name
  • First name
  • Society
  • Email.

Team Kopter International will never collect or process any Personal Data regarding, directly or indirectly, race, health, sexual orientation, political, philosophical or religious opinions.

2.1 Traffic

Traffic data is generated when users’ terminals connect to the Internet and are not sufficient alone to identify them. Team Kopter International can collect the following data: origin of the connection, type and version of the user’s Internet browser, connection time, etc.

This data can be used for statistical purposes to analyze the traffic and to improve the site. Traffic data is always processed anonymously.

2.2 Cookies

A cookie is a small text file, stored on the user’s terminal during the consultation of a website. The purpose of the cookie is to collect information relating to your browsing and to send personalized services to your terminal and to personalize the advertisements on our site. The removal of cookies may affect services or features of the site. Cookies have an important role for your browsing experience.

Cookies are managed by your internet browser and are anonymous, we do not collect personal data. The use of cookies for the purpose of statistical information on the site, preferential access to mobile terminals.

You can configure your browser software so that cookies are stored in your device or, conversely, they are rejected, either systematically or according to their issuer. You can also configure your browser so that the acceptance or rejection of cookies is offered to you punctually, before a cookie is likely to be stored in your device.

The registration of a cookie in a terminal is essentially subordinate to the will of the user of the terminal, that he can express and modify at any time and free of charge through the choices offered to him by his browser software.

If you have accepted the registration of cookies in your device in your browser, the cookies embedded in the pages and contents you have viewed may be stored temporarily in a dedicated area of ​​your device. They will be read only by their issuer.

If you decline the registration of cookies in your device, or if you delete those registered there, this may affect several features of our site. If necessary, we accept no liability for the consequences of the degraded operation of our site.

The registration of a cookie in a terminal is essentially subordinate to the will of the user of the terminal, that he can express and modify at any time and free of charge through the choices offered to him by his browser software.

If you have accepted the registration of cookies in your device in your browser, the cookies embedded in the pages and contents you have viewed may be stored temporarily in a dedicated area of ​​your device. They will be read only by their issuer.

If you decline the registration of cookies in your device, or if you delete those registered there, this may affect several features of our site. If necessary, we accept no responsibility for the consequences of the poor functioning of our site resulting from the impossibility for us to record or consult the cookies necessary for its operation and that you have refused or deleted.

For the management of cookies and your choices, the configuration of each browser is different. It is described in the help menu of your browser, which will allow you to know how to change your wishes for cookies.

The duration of the validity of cookies is thirteen (13) months. A new prior consent will be requested by the site TKI after the duration.


The website www.team-kopter-international.com collects and processes Users’ Personal Data in a fair and lawful manner and in compliance with their rights. Team Kopter International is the entity responsible for the processing of Personal Data of Users.

4. 1. Security

Personal Data provided by Users is hosted by Team Kopter International.

O2 Switch makes every effort to avoid any interference with Users’ Personal Data, such as loss, misappropriation, intrusion, unauthorized disclosure, alteration or destruction of Personal Data.

4. 2. Duration

Without prejudice to the following paragraph, Personal Data processed by Team Kopter International will be deleted no later than five (5) years or upon request of the User.


Team Kopter International may send emails to Users at the email address associated with their Account for technical or administrative reasons or to inform Users of its news. Users can unsubscribe at any time.


In accordance with the French law of 6 January 1978 called « Informatique et Libertés », Users have a right of access, modification and opposition to the processing, they may request the deletion of Personal Data collected or processed by Team Kopter International.

Users can exercise this right by writing to Team Kopter International at its postal address:


Clifton House

Fitzwilliam Street Lower

Dublin 2



Email: info@team-kopter-international.com